Roo and Vladimir - An unlikely friendship
By Minky Stapleton
Published by Scholastic NZ
My first book that I have written as well as illustrated!
Roo is a dog who loves to play catch, have naps and cuddles, and feel the wind in his hair. There is just one problem. Roo is also a very large dog, so large that he can scare others around him. His large tail can knock things over, he can accidentally sit on things or inhale food he shouldn’t.
One day Roo meets a small but tough pekingese dog called Vladimir and they become firm friends, playing, chasing and napping with each other. The other dogs admire how brave Vladimir is to be spending time with Roo, and Roo, aware of how much the other dogs are afraid of him, is happy to have a best friend.
When a storm causes a bridge to be washed away, Roo and Vladimir find themselves stranded in a park with a group of local dogs. Because of his large size Roo is able to piggy-back the dogs across the river. Roo has saved the day and is the town hero, and the other dogs realise they no longer need to be scared of Roo.
Below is a link to some handy teacher notes on Roo and Vladimir from Scholastic: